Over the coming weeks Ms. Niccoli's first graders and Mr. Brad's preschoolers will be joining us on our science expedition in Antarctica. While we (a science team from various parts of the world) work in sub-freezing conditions and sleep on ice for several weeks on end, the students will be enjoying the adventure from their warm and cozy classrooms. Feel free to follow along on our adventure together.

Scroll down to the bottom of this page to read a little about our science team.

Satellite image of Antarctica, courtesy of NASA. The blue dot is McMurdo. The red dot is our field area on the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Polar Bears and Gear

Today we are going to introduce you to a new member of our science team, as well as show you some of the "extreme cold weather" clothing we just received.

First, meet Wellington. Now, our first-graders have informed us that there are NO polar bears in Antarctica. Turns out our kids are much smarter than most adults. They are absolutely correct. There are no polar bears in Antarctica. Wellington, however, has decided to take a journey with us and will be the first Antarctic polar bear. On occasion he may hide in some of our photos, so watch out for Wellington!

Today we went to the Clothing Distribution Center in New Zealand. This is where they give us our "extreme cold weather" clothing. They gave us two orange bags stuffed full of clothing and gear we would need for our expedition in the extreme cold of Antarctica. We spent two hours just trying on clothes - from our underwear to our ski goggles - and trying to make sure we have everything we need to be warm. My favorite items were the boots and the coats. We had the choice of three types of boots: black moon boots, white bunny boots, and blue smurf boots. The coats are bright red and soooooooo warm.

We are now all set for our big "ice flight" tomorrow. We will fly on a C17 military plane to McMurdo, Antarctica. We are all very excited and will post pictures of plane and McMurdo tomorrow.